The S.701 SART from SevenStar Electronics Ltd is the result of many years experience in the specification, design, manufacture and use of SARTs and related marine safety equipment. It brings together the ultimate in state of the art highreliability design and modern manufacturing techniques
- It produces an instantly recognisable “12 dot” radar return to alert & direct passing vessels and aircraft
- It is EU MED ‘Wheelmark’ and FCC/USCG
approved, and has been specifically designed with liferafts and yacht ‘grab-bags’ in mind, as well as conventional SOLAS ‘carry-off’ use. - Its exceptionally low power consumption made it the first SART that could at the time be shipped globally as non-hazardous goods — safer, cheaper and much easier to ship, deploy and stock
- Its unique digital design
- Frequency range : X-band, 9.2 to 9.5 GHz
- Field-replaceable Battery : type SevenStar S.701B.(Replace every 5 years)
- Tx power : > 400mW (+26 dBm)
- Operating life : greater than 96 hours in Standby mode, AND greater than 8 hours in Active mode -transmitting (at 1 kHz rate)
- Waterproof to 10 metres
Brochures/Product Link
S.701 SART
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